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Showing posts from October 19, 2022

Treatment #8 and Hair Loss ain't for Sissy's

Treatment on Monday went like usual, and I have had a pretty good week.  I am sleeping pretty good, so that has been helpful.  They warned me my hair would start falling out about the 3rd week of treatment.  They were right.  When I got up that Wednesday morning, there was a lot of hair on my pillow, and my poor recliner will probably never be the same.  I am so glad that I took control and cut my hair early.  It was hard enough seeing my super short hair everywhere I can't imagine my 15+ inches of hair everywhere.   Lyle cuts his hair every Sunday morning, so now he trims mine too. I guess you can call that some great bonding time; we are almost twining now.  He is such a trooper taking care of me and wiping my tears away.  I haven't lost it all yet, but it sure is thin and very tender.  I am pretty much wearing head coverings most of the time. I was given a free wig at one of my treatment days.  So maybe I will find out i...