Happy New Year! I hope everybody had a wonderful holiday season. We took it easy this year, as you can imagine, but it was nice. We spent Christmas Day at my mother-in-law Helen's with all the local family. It was fun to see everyone, but it took me days to recover from being around people, since I don't get out much. I know I've been quiet lately, but it's because this second round of chemo has really been kicking my butt. The red devil, as they like to call it, is not my BFF. It takes me down for several days. Lyle continues to be my rock through this. He has talked to the nurses and pharmacists to make sure we could control the nausea. Thankfully he has us a good system. I had my 15th treatment on Tuesday, January 4th. Treatment had a few bumps, but I managed to push through. There was only one loud talker this time, but I slept through most of her time there. I will say that the red devil is consistent, and it knocks me down for several days aga...
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