I have not posted an update in a while because I have been in a holding pattern. First off, I have been doing great and am back working in person. Yay, life is starting to get back to normal. I have been feeling pretty good, but I am still battling with neuropathy in my feet. My hair has also started growing back so I am sporting my new do which is gray and bit wavy. Not sure what my plan is with it yet, just letting it do what it wants for now. So now to explain what the holdup has been. I had one spot from surgery that just wouldn't heal. We finally had to go back for an in-office procedure. There were a few stitches that my body couldn't/wouldn't dissolve so they removed the affected area which was about a pea size. Finally, the area has healed up, and I started radiation this morning (June 12). I am only 6 weeks behind schedule but who is counting. The plan is 21 sessions (days) which means going every weekday for my treatment. Luckily, I am getting to do these tre...
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