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Showing posts from February, 2023

Treatment #16 - CHEMO is done!

January 30th was my last round of chemotherapy.  I got a certificate and rang the bell and everything.  I am not done with treatments, but I am done with CHEMO, especially the dang red devil, so that is something to be very happy about.   I just need to feel good enough so I can celebrate.   I will go for immunotherapy until July or August. But that is not as hard on me.   So now what: Fe bruary 16 th an MRI. February 20 th an appointment with the oncologist and immunotherapy. February 21 st an appointment with the surgeon to see what my options are. Hopefully by the end of the month we will have the next plan of action. 

The Wig!

Finally, someone recognized me in public!  I received my wig back in November and put it on right away.  It was my hair but not my style, no bangs. I have had bangs for 14+ years.  So, the plan was for my niece to style it in December when we went to visit mom in Florida.  Well guess what, I didn’t get to go since I was feeling crummy.  Such is life, so my sister quickly scheduled flights for her and Ashley to come to TN for the long MLK holiday weekend.  My kitchen turned into a beauty shop, and everyone agreed that the wig needed bangs.  Ashley prepped the wig for the cut.  The plan was to go slow and steady and not cut too much, because there is no turning back once THE cut happens.  With a plan of action, we were ready to go, and we all held our breath during the first cut of the scissors.  It was crazy!  After that first snip to add bangs, I looked in the mirror and wow what a difference.  She made a few adjustments an...