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My Sister is Not a Barber

I was told that I would lose my hair.  My sister quickly jumped in to help take some control of this crazy situation. She consulted with her daughter, Ashley, who is a fantastic beautician. Ashley was on it and found a company that makes wigs form your own hair, if you have enough.  If you know me you know I had a TON of hair.  So Judy booked a flight and came to TN Labor Day Weekend to hug my neck and cut my hair. 

It was a family affair.  Lyle, the boys, and Judy set up our living room and Ashley, Taylor and Brandon joined us via facetime.  It was very emotional, but rewarding that I had control of how I was going to lose my hair.

We packaged the hair up, and Judy took it home with her.  Too funny that she was worried about going through airport security with my hair.  Man it is a good thing they didn't stop her, she would have lost it.

So my hair has been shipped off, and I should have a wig in about 10-12 weeks (in time for the holidays).  In the meantime I am looking like my my dad, The Col (RIP).

Ashley coached us from FL via Facetime

JT making sure that Ashley could see

John Lucas was the rubber band prepper....
it was a super important step!

Prep work complete

Judy making the 1st cut

Then Lyle took a couple of cuts as well

The After Shot


  1. I love it. You look like the alien from the movie. Lol. These are the things that do not define us. What defines us is who was there when it happened and who will be there when the battle is won. Love you!


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