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Showing posts from 2022

Treatment #14 – this 2nd round ain’t no joke

This second round of treatment is kicking my butt.   I do ok the first few days, but then it takes me down for the count for several days.   I don’t throw up but am very nauseous.   I am also exhausted, even taking a shower wears me out.   I now understand why they call it the Red Devil, I have called it a few other names too. I went to the endocrinologist since my doctor was concerned with some of the blood test results. It was determined that the steroids are the culprit of that.   He also said the swelling in my face and the rash are all due to that.   He said there wasn’t anything he could do for me other then to tell me to stop taking steroids, which I have.   It will just take time to get back to normal, so basically that means hurry up and wait. For the remainder of my treatments, I get to see the doctor.   I have just 2 treatments left, Lyle will get me there kicking and screaming.   Lyle is my rock; he is getting me through the c...

Treatment #13 - Lucky 13 right?

First up this week was blood work and then vitals.  Then I got to see Dr. Hamilton.   She gave us the results of the scan from last week.   She says they do not see anything on the scan, so what we are doing is working.   I told her my neuropathy has gotten worse, and she wasn’t happy with me that I hadn’t told her.   She has put me on medication to try and help that, so I’m keeping my fingers crossed.   This week starts the 2nd round of treatment.  It will last for 12 weeks, and I will now go every 3 weeks for treatment.  So that means I only have 3 more treatments to go.  I am starting new CHEMO drugs.  One of them is known as the red drug.  It looks like they are putting red Kool-Aid in me, which is crazy.  This week has been hard adjusting to the new drugs.  I am very tired and just feel weird, but I am lucky and thankful that I am on the right path to beat cancer.

Treatment Week #12 – first half ✔

This Monday started out differently. I had to go at 8am for a chest scan. Because of this, we had to adjust my treatment time… ugh here we go with messing with my routine. The scan was quick and painless, and we were able to grab breakfast since I had to fast for the scan. We arrived for my treatment and of course the lobby was filling up quickly, especially with loud talkers. Good news though; masks are now optional, so that made Lyle happy. I got my blood work drawn and was sent back to wait to be called back for treatment. Well wait is what we did. I finally had to ask if they forgot me. They didn’t really forget me, just coded me wrong. So, they took me back to a VERY full treatment room! I claimed a chair, barely, and then continued the wait. I think they overbooked ☹. Well finally at 11am (my appointment was at 10am and we were there early) they started, my premeds. Treatment went fine, and we were off for the commute home. It was quick without stopping for lunch tod...

Treatment Week #11 and No Matter What

Monday’s treatment was quick and easy, yay.  Still having more good days then bad.  I found out that the MRI has been denied, gotta love insurance.  So, they have ordered a CAT scan instead and that will happen Monday.    On to other news, John Lucas is part of the fantastic Cookeville Children’s Theater production of Beauty and the Beast.  I don’t get out much these days, but I can’t miss seeing him on stage.  I have already seen it twice and plan going a few more times.  Wow what an amazing production with such amazing talent.  He plays Maurice, who is Belles Dad.  He does an amazing duet with Belle, played by his friend Ella Choate, and it is SO good.  The name of the song is No Matter What.  Here is just a little of the lyrics: No matter what the pain We've come this far I pray that you remain Exactly as you are There are shows this weekend and next. You need to go see it; you will not be disappointed. ...

Treatment Week #10 and here’s to all treats, and no tricks!

Yay we are back on our routine.  Mornings are way better for me!   Even though Lyle has us leave super early, we have plenty of time with traffic and such.   This was day 1 of cycle 4.   It started out with bloodwork, which was quick and painless.   Then we went for a visit with the Nurse Practitioner, which went smooth. She is so helpful with ALL our questions.   She says everything is looking good.   She has ordered an MRI for the week of November 14th.    The goal is to see if the CHEMO has done its   Recap on last week, which started out “crummy” but ended up being a great week.   The steroids had me rearranging the pantry, the linen closet and moving things around for the 15+ time in the living room.   I am still having many more good days then bad.   And the bad days aren’t too terrible.   Those days tend be later in the week, and I am just very tired and rest a lot.   I am still dealing with heartburn, but...

Treatment Week #9 and I like a routine!

Treatment this Monday was a little off routine. Boy, I didn’t realize how much I like a routine!   So, my appointment was at 11am instead of 8am, and I hope to avoid the 11am for the rest of my treatments.   Going at this time threw me off.   Like, when should I eat, before or after.   I am allowed to eat in the treatment area, but I prefer not to. So, we planned a quick trip to Sonic for a snack and a Cherry Limeade, which of course is my favorite (FYI it helps my heartburn, weird right). The waiting area was FULL. I am not sure we have ever seen it more than half full BUT today there wasn’t a seat open.   Typically, everything goes super smooth with these visits, but Lyle jinxed us by saying that out loud.   Oh well, it is what it is. I finally got called back for bloodwork, which was quick and painless, yay.   Then back to the packed waiting room but not for long.   They called me to the treatment room where my patience was growing thin, Ly...

Treatment #8 and Hair Loss ain't for Sissy's

Treatment on Monday went like usual, and I have had a pretty good week.  I am sleeping pretty good, so that has been helpful.  They warned me my hair would start falling out about the 3rd week of treatment.  They were right.  When I got up that Wednesday morning, there was a lot of hair on my pillow, and my poor recliner will probably never be the same.  I am so glad that I took control and cut my hair early.  It was hard enough seeing my super short hair everywhere I can't imagine my 15+ inches of hair everywhere.   Lyle cuts his hair every Sunday morning, so now he trims mine too. I guess you can call that some great bonding time; we are almost twining now.  He is such a trooper taking care of me and wiping my tears away.  I haven't lost it all yet, but it sure is thin and very tender.  I am pretty much wearing head coverings most of the time. I was given a free wig at one of my treatment days.  So maybe I will find out i...

Treatment Week #7

My treatment day on Monday started out as normal getting blood work and vitals.  I then got to visit with the nurse practitioner.  She is fantastic and is patient to allow me to ask my gazillion questions.   She said that everything is looking good.  Yay! So, this week treatment is my long one.   That means I am given everything. It makes for a long day, but fingers crossed for a good week.   The week has been ok, just pretty tired by the end of the day.   Good news though, I have been sleeping better!   I am confused of where I am in the treatment plan since they let me escape to the beach last week.  FYI the beach was fantastic and so glad we got go.  I think it would be good to give you a treatment recap: 12 weeks ofC HEMO (every Monday to Nashville we go) We are halfway there on this step!!! Every 3 rd week starts a new cycle.   The drugs are changed up each week. This wee...

#Perspective, getting real about Mondays....

Missi Coggins Neskorik, my BFF,  getting real about Mondays.... Facebook post of on 9/19/2022 I know everyone dreads Monday morning and we all complain like crazy that the weekend is over. As I read through some of the posts this morning all I could think of is my best friend that has Chemo every Monday morning for the near future and I’ve not heard her complain one time. Talk about sucky Mondays!  She’s fighting the good fight and not complaining but thankful that she’s here with us still. And God knows I’m glad she is. We’ve been through a lot together so by God I’m gonna be by her side and cheer her on through this fight. So have a great Monday and be grateful that you’re here and healthy. Love You M!!!  Facebook post on 9/25/2022 Tomorrows Monday and every Sunday night I’m gonna remind you that it’s coming because I want you to embrace it. I want you to love it. I want you to remember that you’re here and you can love it. I want you to remember those that are sitting ...

My Sister is Not a Barber

I was told that I would lose my hair.  My sister quickly jumped in to help take some control of this crazy situation. She consulted with her daughter, Ashley, who is a fantastic beautician. Ashley was on it and found a company that makes wigs form your own hair, if you have enough.  If you know me you know I had a TON of hair.  So Judy booked a flight and came to TN Labor Day Weekend to hug my neck and cut my hair.  It was a family affair.  Lyle, the boys, and Judy set up our living room and Ashley, Taylor and Brandon joined us via facetime.  It was very emotional, but rewarding that I had control of how I was going to lose my hair. We packaged the hair up, and Judy took it home with her.  Too funny that she was worried about going through airport security with my hair.  Man it is a good thing they didn't stop her, she would have lost it. So my hair has been shipped off, and I should have a wig in about 10-12 weeks (in time for the holidays)....

October 3rd treatment...

With the approval and support of my doctors (and Lyle 😀), this is the treatment chair I picked for today: Yep, I didn't let cancer interfere with my life. So we are at one of our favorite places, Cape San Blas, FL.  I think this vitamin "sea" is just what I needed. I guess you could say, it's just what the doctor ordered, since she did approve the trip. FYI, my sleeping situation is improving.  It could be the medicine or where I am, but who cares, I'm just glad to be getting some rest. 

I'll try anything to get some sleep ....

Yay it’s the weekend!!!   As you may have heard me complain, I had no sleep on Sunday night😫, but my team of doctors is coming up with resolutions.  They adjusted the steroid and prescribed sleepy medicine.   Each night this week has been a little better, with getting a few hours straight each night.  Now I am trying to change my nighttime routine.  I know, here I am again, "old dog, new tricks".  Well I think it might be working.  Since I was able to get m ore then 6 hours of sleep, man I feel like a new person today.  I welcome suggestions of any great sleep habits or nighttime routines that work for you.  So now I will update the score for the week....I am winning!  

5th day of CHEMO

Well my Monday didn't start great since I didn't sleep at all last night.  I slept for about 20 minutes during our early morning drive and that is it.  UGH!!  I don't do well without sleep. The oral steroids I have to take the day before and day after each treatment are really messing with my sleep.   So treatment routine starts with blood work, then vitals and then claiming my seat.  It wasn't as busy today, so I got a window seat.  Oh the little things!  My bloodwork came back ok, with the white blood count up a little, but my BP was high.  They think it is from a combination of the steroid and lack of sleep.  So they are adjusting the IV steroid a little and giving me something to help me sleep. Fingers crossed for a good week!   Score update pending.....

4th day of CHEMO

So on September 19th I started Cycle 2.  The beginning of each cycle starts out normal, with blood work and then vitals, but on the first day of a cycle we get to visit with Kelsey, the Nurse Practitioner.  I was prepared today with my questions.  It was a good visit.  Everything seems to be going as planned.  So, we head to the treatment room and get started. Score...I am still winning 😃

3rd day of CHEMO

So this is week 3 of treatment.  Same routine, just a different day. This week will be a little different.  I have to get a shot on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday this week.  They originally scheduled me to go to Nashville for those.  Thankfully I was able to get those done at our Primary Care facility in Cookeville at the Averitt Clinic. They made sure I was the first patient in after lunch and made sure I was not exposed to any sickness, man those girls rock! Score this week....I'm winning!!!!  More good days then bad, yay. 

2nd day of CHEMO

CHEMO was on Tuesday this week due the Labor Day Holiday.  We spent the night in Nashville, since we dropped my sister off at the airport on Monday night.  It was nice to get to sleep in a bit, since we didn't have to make the early morning drive from Cookeville for my appointment at 7:45am.   I'm becoming a pro now.  First blood work, then vitals, and then claim my spot in the treatment room.  I put on my comfy non slip socks (thanks Helen) and claimed my heated blanket. So week 2 proved to be a little better for me.  I was tired by the end of the week, but not exhausted.   So the score this week ... I call it a tie!

CHEMO Fatigue

I survived the first day of CHEMO.  I was told of all the side effects that could happen.  Nausea, hair loss, numbness, bone pain, etc.  But I was not prepared for the fatigue.  They said with my treatments being on Mondays, that Tuesday and Wednesday would be my good days. Then I would start going down hill on Thursday, with Friday being the worst day.  Then I should go back up Saturday and feel almost normal on Sunday and ready to start it all over again.  Well, week 1 knocked me down for the majority of the week.  Not sure if it was the drugs or just the whole process.  I was so tired and all I wanted or could do was sleep.  So if I am keeping score CHEMO won week #1

First Day of Chemotherapy

August 29th began my CHEMO journey.  We knew it would be a long and stressful day.  Everyone at TN Oncology has been so nice to us.  After blood work and a visit with Kelsey, my nurse practitioner.  We headed to the treatment room.  Claimed my chair.  Then met my nurse, Meredith, for the day.  She was great and explained everything that was  getting ready to happen.  

Meeting my team of Doctors

We decided that we would travel to Nashville and go through the Sarah Cannon Cancer Center.  My first visit was with my surgeon,  Dr. Cooper.  This is when we learned more information about my Cancer, T riple Negative Breast Cancer is the diagnosis .  FYI I quickly learned not to google it, yikes.  I have a team of doctors with over 100 years experience so we are very happy with the care that I will receive.  It was decided the best course of action is to do Chemotherapy first then surgery.  So I was referred to my oncologist Dr. Hamilton.  And MRI was ordered as well. So remember back in June we were doing a lot of waiting, well, now things started moving and moving fast .  Met with Dr. Hamilton on a Wednesday and a treatment plan was developed.  Went that Friday to have my port put in and started CHEMO on Monday, August 29th. My Treatment Plan: 12 weeks of CHEMO (every Monday to Nashville we go) have an MRI to see how the spo...

When it comes up!

Once I knew it was cancer, I didn’t care who knew.  If I saw you in person, I probably told you.  But I didn’t post on Facebook, because I still don’t want my mom to worry.  I asked Lyle if he had told anyone, and he said NO not yet, he was waiting until it came up.  And my response was “when would it come up in conversation that I have cancer” we both laughed about that.  FYI, Lyle is a pretty private person, so this has not been easy on him. But I know the more people that know the more prayers and good vibes I will have, which is what I need right now.  

The results are in… have CANCER!

So, I asked when I went in for the infection on the biopsy how they would tell me about my results. She said if they were negative they would tell me on the phone or if it was positive they would have me come in for a consultation.  So the wait continues. Remember I said that the results could take 5 to 7 business days, yep it took all 7 days. I got the call in the late afternoon, they wanted to see me and Lyle at the clinic at 5pm.  So this is when I officially hear the words, the results show it is cancerous . OMG now what.  We were given options of what the next steps should be.  She gave us options of people she would refer us to.  We took the night to digest it all with plans to tell her in the morning what direction we wanted to go. We headed home and told the boys. Then, Lyle was a champ and called my sister, which of course knew what I had been going through.  So you can imagine as soon as she saw his number come up she knew that it wasn’t good news...

Mammograms Saves Lives

So my first stop on this crazy train was my mammogram on June 23rd.  I got a call back the next morning that they saw a spot and wanted me to come back for another mammogram, which I did that afternoon.  They still saw the spot so they did an ultrasound and still didn't  like what they were seeing.  It was small but it was not on my previous screens.  The radiologist ordered a breast biopsy but   told me that "cancer is going around" so it may be a few weeks before I could be seen.   They  called me on Monday to schedule  the biopsy for July 11th, ugh 2 weeks.   So the waiting begins.   Well guess who decides to get COVID on July 10th, yep lucky me.  So we have to reschedule the biopsy to July 25th, yep another 2 weeks.   So we finally get to July 25th and have the biopsy.  Again I was told it was a small spot and they were hopeful they were able to get enough to biopsy.  So now we have to wai...

The Beginning

Welcome to Journey with Mary D . I have never been great with words, especially writing them down, but this is something that I have been drawn to do.  In June I went in for my yearly check up and was sent for my mammogram.  They found a spot, yikes that scared us pretty good.  We didn't share much in the beginning with hopes it was just a scare, but as of August 2, 2022 I officially began my battle with Breast Cancer.    If you want to keep up with me I hope you will enjoy my ramblings on my attempt at a blog....Journey with Mary D.